Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

You'll never think you've done wrong
Well guess what, you won't for long
You lie like a dog
I mean, what a fraud 

It's always someone else's fault
I wish your face would hit asphalt 
You've never once seen me smile
That's because you're not worth my while

You think you're so tough
So why do you cry so much
You're just a fat baby

Image result for crying fat baby cartoon
Spring Break Poem

Bubble baths are how I spent my spring break,
The smell of lavender fills the bathroom,
I close my eyes for my sake,
And now my relaxation is in bloom,

I fill my hands with hundreds of bubbles,
With a deep breath i blow them in the air,
 Slowly releasing all all of my troubles,
Finally everything seems to be fair,

Candle light flickering in the darkness,
All my favorite songs playing quietly,
I hope this will be forever endless,
I am at peace with myself finally,

Spring break helps me find myself again,
I am so relieved that I found my zen.